360 Pediatric Phototherapy References

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360 Pediatric Phototherapy References 2017-05-29T22:07:53-04:00

1. Pearson HA: Life-span of the fetal red blood cell, I PEDIATR, 1967; 154-5.
2. Schmid RD, Diamond 1, Hammaker L, CB: Interaction of bilirubin with albumin, NATURE, 1965; 206:1041.
3. With T: Bile Pigments, New York: Academic Irress, 1968).
4. Lightner D. McDonagh A: Molecular mechanisms of phototherapy for neonatal jaundice, ACCOUNTS CHEM RES, 1984; 17:417-24.
5. Ostrea EM, Ontengro EA, Tolia VA, Apostol B: The occurrence and significance of the bilirubin species including delta bilirubin in jaundiced infants, I PED GASTROENTEROL
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6. Wu TW: Bilirubin analysis – the state of the art and future prospects, CUN BIOCIIEM, 1984 Aug; 17(4):221-9.
7. Brett EM,Hicks JM, Powers DM, Rand RN: Delta bilirubin in a serum of pediatric patients: correlations with age and disease, CLIN CHEM, 19g4 Sep. 30(9)1561-4.
8. Weiss 35, Guatam A, Lauff 33, Sundberg MW, Ct al: The clinical importance of a protein-bound fraction of serum bilirubin in patients with hyperbilirubinemia, N ENG I MED,
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11. Maisela MI, Gifford K, Antle CE, Leib GR: Jaundice in the healthy newborn infant: a new approach to an old problem, PEDS, 1988 Apr; 81(4):505-ll.
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13. Eidelmsn Al, Schirrsner MS: Phototherspy 1988. A green light for a new approach, I PERINATOL, 1989 Mar; 9(l):69-71.
14. Linn S, Schoenbaum SC, Monson RR, Rosner B, et al: Epidemiology of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia, PEDS, 1985 Apr; 75(4):770-4.
15. Tenovua A: Neonatal complications in small-for-gestational age neonates, 3 PERINAT MED, 1988; 16(3):197.203.
16. Cashore WI, Stem L: The management of hyperbilirubinemia, CLIN PERINATOL, 1984 Jun; 11 (2):339-57.
17. Chen SH, Lee TC: Carboxyhemoglobin and glucuronide formation in Chinese newborn infants with hyperbilirubinemia, TAIWAN I HSUEH HUI TSA CHIH, 1980 Mar;
18. Ebbeson F, Broderson R: Risk of bilirubin acid precipitation in preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome: considerations of blood/brain bilirubin transfer equilibrium,
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19. Linder N, Arad 1: Plasma haptoglobin levels in vacuum extracted neonates, I PERINAT MED, 1984; 12(l):35.7.
20. Bansal A, Bothra GC, Venna CR: Hyperbilirubinemia due to massive cephalohematoma, INDIAN PEDIATR, 1985 Aug; 22(8):619-21,
21. Arad I, Fainmesser P, Birkenfeld A, Oulaiev B, Sadovaky B: Vacuum extraction and neonatal jaundice, I PERINAT MED, 1982; 10(6):273.8.
22. Dunn PA, Bhutan V, Weiner S, Ludomiraki A: Care of the neonate with erythroblastosia fetalis, 3 OBST GYN NEONAT NURS, 1988 Nov-Dec; 17(6):382-6.
23. Zipuraky A: Mechanisms of hemolysis, MEAD JOHNSON SYMP PERINAT DEV MED, 1982; (19):17.24.
24. Orralesi M, Gloria-Bottini F, Lucarelli P, Lucarini N, Ct al: ABO system incompatibility: evaluation of risk of hyperbilirubinemia at birth by multivariate discriminant analysis.
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25. Senran PA, Modanlov HI): Significance of anti-A and anti-B isohemoglutinins in cord blood of ABO incompatible newborn infants: correlation with hyperbilirubinemia, 3 PERINATOL,
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26. Kanto WP, Marino B, Godwin AS. Bunyapen C: ABO hemolytic disease: a comparative study of clinical severity and delayed anemia, PEDIATRICS, 1978 Sep; 62(3):365-9.
27. Sivan Y, Merlob P, Nutman 3, Reisner SH: Direct hyperbilirubinemia complicating ABO hemolytic disease of the newborn, CLIN PEDIATR (PIIILA), 1983 Aug; 22(8):537-8.
28. Kats MA, Kanto WP, Korotkin JH: Recurrence rate of ABO hemolytic disease of the newborn, OBSTET GYNECOL, 1982 May; 59(5):611A.
29. Plotz RD: Familial occurrence of hemolytic disease of the newborn due to AO blood group incompatibility, HUM PATHOL, 1985 Feb; 16(2):113-6.
30. Caine ME, Mueller-Heubach B: Kell sensitization in pregnancy, AM 3 GB GYN, 1986 Jan; 154(l):85-90.
31. Wolkoff AW: Inheritable disorders manifested by conjugated hyperbilirubinemia, SEMIN LIVER DIS, 1983 Feb; 3(l):52-64.
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34. Tan KL, Loganath A. Roy AC, Goh HH, et al: Cord plasma alpha-fetoprotein values and neonatal jaundice, PEDIATRICS, 1984 Dec; 74(6):1065-8.
35. Han AT, Balakrishnan S, Ahrnad Z: Hyperbilirubinemia and erythrocyte G-6-PD deficiency in Malaysian children, MED I MALAYSIA, 1989 Mar; 44(l):30-4.
36. Schroter W, Kashnitz E: Diagnosis of hereditary apherocytosis in newborn infants, I PEDIATR, 1983 Sep; 103(3):460-3.
37. Maxwell DI, Seshadri R, Rumpf DI, Miller IM: Infantile pyknocytosis: a cause of intrauterine hemolysis in 2 siblings, AUST N Z I OBSTET GYNAECOL, 1983 Aug; 23(3):182-
38. Baker 3W, Hamison KL, Harvey P1: Anti-C hemolytic disease requiring intrauterine and exchange transfusion, MED I AUST, 1981 Sep 19; 2(6):296.
39. Beutier E, Dunning D, Dabe lB, Furman L: Erytitrecyte glutathione 5-transferase deficiency & hemolytic anemia, BLOOD, 1988 Jul; 72(l):73-7.
40. Bracci R, Buonocore G, Talluri B, Berni S: Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia: evidence for a role of the erythrocyte enzyme activities involved in the detoxification of oxygen radicals,
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41. Lawe lB: Successful exchange transfusion of an infant for AIHA developing late in mother’s pregnancy. TRANSFUSION, 1982 Ian-Feb; 22(l):66-8.
42. Wisweil TE. Comish ID, Northam RS: Neonatal polycythemia: frequency of clinical manifestation and other associated findings, PEDIATRICS, 1986 Jun; 78(l):26-30.
43. Ballin A, Brown El. Koren G, Zipuraky A: Vitamin C-induced erythrocyte damage in premature infants, I PEDIATR, 1988 Jul; 113(1 pt l):114-20.
44. Opita IC, Baldauf MC, Kessler DL, Meyer IA: Hemolysis of blood in IV tubing caused by heat, I PEDIATR, 1988 Ian; 112(1):111-3.
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46. Ballin A, Brown El, Zipursky A: Idiopathic Heinx body hemolytic anemia in newborn infants, AM I PED HEMATOL ONCOL, 1989 Spring; ll(l):3-7.
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48. Hammer SG, Lewan RB: Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia caused by pyruvate kinase deficiency, 3 AM BRD F P, 1988 Oct-Dec; l(4):288-90.
49. Bloomer IR, Sharp HL: The liver in Crigler-Hajjar syndrome, protoporphyria, and other metabolic disorders, IIEPATOLOGY, 1984 Ian-Feb; 4(1 suppl):18S-21S.
50. Odievre M, Luzeau R, Alagille D: Prolonged neonatal jaundice: a manifestation of heterozygote state for Crigler-Najjar syndrome?, I PEDIATR GASTROENTEROL NUTR,
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51. Wong HB: Pediatric liver disorders in Singapore, ANN ACAD MED SINGAPORE, 1986 Apr; 15(2):239-49.
52. Sinatra FR: Choleatasis in infancy & childhood, CUR PROBL PEDIATR, 1982 Oct; 12(12):l-54.
53. Ghishan EK, LaBrecque DR, Mitros FA, Younoszai MJK: The evolving nature of “infantile obstructive cholangiopathy”, I PEDIATR, 1980 Jul; 97(l):27-32.
54. Finni K, Sinnia S, Heikura S. lanne 0, Maentausta 0: Serum bile acid concentrations in the course of benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis, ANN CLIN RES, 1980 Aug;
55. Whitley CB, Schwarzrnberg SI. Burke BA, Freese DK, Gorlin RI: Direct hyperbilirubinemia & hepatic fibrosis: a new presentation of Jeune syndrome, AM I MED GENET
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56. Kahn E, Dawn F: Arteriohepatic dysplasia (Alagilic’s syndrome): a common cause of conjugated hyperbilirubinemia, ANN CLIN LAB Sd, 1984 Nov-Dec; l4(6):48O~6.
57. Mikati MA, Barakat AY, Sulh IlB, Der Kaloustian VM: Renal tubular insufficiency, choleatatic jaundice, and multiple congenital anomalies – a new multisystem syndrome, HELV
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58. Tolis V, Dubola RS, Watta FB Jr, Perrin E: Renal abnormalities in paucity of interlobular bile ducts, 3 PED GASTROENTEROL NUTR, 1987 Nov-Dec; 6(6):971-6.
59. Chuang 3H, Chen MI: Membranous atresia of esophagus associated with pyloric stenosis, J PED SURG, 1987 Nov; 22(l1):988-90.
60. Ghiahan IK, Lallrecuue DR, Mitros FA, Younoazai MK: Pyloric stenosis and direct hyperbilirubinemia with alpha-1-antitrypain deficiency, CUN PEDIATR (PHILA), 1980 Apr;
61. Rommen M, Singh MP: Pyloric duplication in a preterm neonate, 3 PEDIATR SURG, 1984 Apr; 19(2):158-9.
62. Banta EW: Vaiproic acid and congenital malformations. A case report, CUN PEDIATR (PHILA), 1984 Jun; 23(6):352-3.
63. Sivan Y, Mutman 3, Zeevi B, Berant M, Ct al: Acute hepatic failure after open heart surgery in chilren, PED CARDIOL, 1987; 8(2):127-30.
64. Procianoy RS, Giacomin CB, Mattoa TC, Recach LH: Congenital Wilma tumor associated with consumption coagulopathy and hyperbilirubinemia, 3 PED SURG, 1986 Nov,
65. BredskyL, Reidy M, Stanievich JF: The effects of auctioning techniques on the tracheal mucosa intubated low birth weight infants, INTJ PEDOTORHINOLARYNGOL, 1987
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68. Frishherg Y, Zelicovic I, Merlob P. Reisner SH: Hyperbilirubinemia and influencing factors in term infants, ISR 3 MED SCI, 1989 Jan; 25(l):28-31.
69. Johnson JD, Angelus P, Aldrich M, Saipper BJ: Exaggerated jaundice in Navaho neonates. The role of bilirubin production, AM 3 DIS CHIU), 1986 Sep; 140(9):889-90.
70. Posil BD, Nelson N. Carson 3: Hyperbilirubinemia in Inuit neonates, CAN MED ASSOC 3.1982 Apr; 126(7):8ll-3.
71. Leibson C, Brown M, Thibodeau S, Stevenson D, Ct al: Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia with high altitude, AM J DIS CIIIU), 1989 Aug; 143(8):983-7.
72. Moore LG. Newberry MA, Freeby GM, Crnic LS: Increased incidence of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia at 3100 m in Colorado, AM J DIS CIIILD, 1984 Feb; 138(2):157-61.
73. Khoury MI, Calie EE, Joesoef RM: Recurrence risk of hyperbilirubinemia in siblings, AM J DIS CHELD, 1988 Oct; 142(10):1065-9.
74. Syrop CH, Varner MW: Triplet gestation: maternal and neonatal implications. ACTA GENET MED GEMELLOL ROMA), 1985; 34(l-2):81-8.
75. Hertr JB, Heisterberg L: The outcome of pregnancy after threatmened abortion, ACTA OBSTET GYNECOL SCAND. 1985; 64(2).. 151-6.
76. Khatus SP, Achintys AS, Khatus S, Batabyal SK: Plasma lipids and blood glucose in infants of toxemic mothers, INDIAN 3 PEDS, 1989 May-Jun; 56(3):403-8.
77. McEnemey 3K, McEnerney LN: Unfavorable neonatal outcome after interamniotic injection of methylene blue, OBSTET GYNECOL, 1983 Mar; 61(3 Suppl):355-37S.
78. Johnson JD, Aldrich M, Angelus P, Stevenson DK, Ct al: Oxytocin and neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. Studies of bilirubin production, AM 3 DIS CHIU), 1984 Nov; 138(11):1047-
79. Joupplis R, Larva L, Jouppila P, Koivisto M, Paltarinen A: Effects of segmental epidural analgesia on neonatal serum bilirubin concentration and incidence of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia,
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80. Musci MN Jr, Abbas S, Otis C, Bolognese RI: Prolonged fetal ritodrine exposure and immediate neonatal outcome, 3 PERINATOL, 1988 Winter; 8(1):27-32.
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83. Nemeth I, Szelecxki T, Beds D: Hyperbilirubinemia and urinary D-glucaric acid excretion in premature infants following antepartum dexamethasone treatment, J PERINAT MED,
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84. Rawat AK, Sharma A: Development of hepatic bilirubin glucuronidation as affected by prolonged maternal ethanol intake, ALCOHOL, 1986 Mar-Apr; 3(2):139-43.
85. Waffam F, Carlisle S, Pens I, Hodgmsn JE, Bonham D: Fetal exposure to maternal hyperbilirubinemia. Neonatal course and outcome, AM 3 DIS CHIU), 1982 May; 136(5):4167.
86. Cotton DB, Brock RI, Schifrin BS: Cirrhosis and fetal hyperbilirubinemia, OBSTET GYNECOL, 1981 Jun; 57(6 Suppl):255-75.
87. Cotton DB: Infantile hepatic cholestasis with maternal Dubin-Juinson syndrome, SOUTH MED 3, 1984 Sep; 77(9):229-33.
88. Muhibsuer B, Bems LM, Singer A: Congenital measles – 1982, ISR 3 MED SCI, 1983 Nov; 19(ll):987-8.
89. Stratton 3A, Miller RD, Schmidt P: Effect of maternal parasitic disease on the neonate, AM 3 REPROD IMMUNOL MICROBIOL, 1985 Aug; 8(4):141-2.
90. Reitano 0: Treatment of emergency cases in newborn infants of diabetic mothers, ACTA ENDOCRIN SUPPL (COPENH), 1986; 277:159-62.
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95. Monis MA, Grandis AS, Litton JC: Glycosylated hemoglobin concentration in early gestation associated with neonatal outcome. AM 3 OBSTET GYNECOL, 1985 Nov 15;
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